Link to online registration
Start times, along with other details, will follow.
15 mile loop
Head east towards highway 206 then turn left onto the road to take you to east gate staging area. Head up the red trail (bridle) all the way past Nimowin road. You will cross the road still on the red trail and then make a right turn onto the green trail (Hazelnut) and continue to follow it all the way around back to crossing Nimowin road again. Once you come to Roscoe Road make a right turn and head up RR with a left turn onto Park Road. Go a short distance down Park then turn right onto the Tamarac trail. Head up the Tamarac to take a left onto the cut thru to other side of the Tamarac and then take another left onto the Tamarac. Continue down the Tamarac to Park Road. Take a right on PR and then a right onto the Lyme kiln trail. You will be riding the LK backwards. Follow it right around until you get to the huge mounds of dirt. Take a right turn and go into Mosquito Alley. Go ALL the way down MA until the trail ends. You will swing around thru the bush and head back in still on MA so you will be 2 tracking on a portion of the trail. At the entrance where you came in you will take a right turn and head along that trail which will take you out and across the north end of the polo field over to the pink (carriage trail) which you will follow all the way back to camp.
10 mile loop
Head west following the red horse signs. Cross festival drive to get into the open field. Follow the ribbons thru the field over to the water jump. From there you will go right towards Pope’s Hill. Continue thru the field along the tree line at north side. You will make a right turn which will take you past the cemetery. Make a right turn to the red horse trail that goes through the bush on the north side of Nimowin. You will come out at the polo field and ranch area. Continue going west behind the MHC barns and up the trail to the Yellow (Esker) trail. Stay on the Esker trail coming right out to almost the north end of the polo field. You will turn left onto the Tamarac and follow that up to Park Road where you will take a right turn onto Park. You will then take Park back to the other side of Tamarac where you will take a right turn on the Tamarac and follow it to the green trail (Hazelnut). Turn left onto green to Roscoe Road and make a right onto RR. Take RR right past the ranger station and take a right which will take you onto Nimowin road. Follow Nimowin to the red horse trail and take a left into the bush. Follow the red horse trail through to the group use camping area making a left turn onto the service road that will lead you into east gate staging area. You will then ride towards the east gate entrance, cross festival drive and come south around the field back into camp.