Belair Forest Fiesta Ride
Aug 13 & 14th, 2022
Join us for the Belair Forest Fiesta ride on Aug 13 & 14th!
Come ride the beautiful trails of Belair Forest on August 13th & 14th. This 2-day event will include AERC sanctioned 75-* and 50-mile endurance races, 25-mile limited distance and 10/15 mile training rides. *Note that the 75-mile ride is only on Saturday.
Online Registration: https://zfrmz.com/aMCtywYptVczmDGtDmJZ
Ride Manager: Christine Steendam
Saturday Day Manager: Andy Dunlop
Vet: Dr. Jenna Noordenbos
Trail Marker: Shannon Lightfoot
All horses are subject to vet checks prior to beginning the ride each day, during ride holds and at the conclusion of the ride. Any horse may be pulled from competition by the ride veterinarian for lameness or metabolic issues.
Riders may also choose to Rider Option (RO) if the ride vet has not pulled the horse as riders know their equine partners best and our sport is about the horse’s health and well-being coming before all other considerations.
AERC Motto: “To Finish Is To Win!”
Friday, August 12, 2022
5:00 pm – Ride camp will be up and running.
5:00 – 6:00 pm – Vetting of 75-mile horses
Saturday, August 13, 2022
5:00 am – Vetting 75/50/25/15/10 mile horses in distance priority
5:45 am – Ride Meeting for 75-mile riders
6:00 am – 75-mile race starts
6:45 am – Ride meeting for 50-mile riders
7:00 am – 50-mile race starts
7:45 am – Ride meeting for 25-mile riders
8:00 am – 25-mile race starts
8:45 am – Ride meeting for intro riders
9:00 am – 10/15 mile intro starts
Sunday, August 14, 2022
7:00 am – Vetting 50/25/15/10 mile horses in distance priority
7:45 am – Ride meeting for 50-mile riders
8:00 am – 50-mile ride begins
8:45 am – Ride meeting 25-mile riders
9:00 am – 25-mile ride begins
9:45 – Ride meeting for intro riders
10:00 – 10/15 mile intro starts
Prizes will be awarded for first place, best conditioned and high vet score in the 75’s, 50’s and 25’s. There will be an award for the top junior rider in each division.
From hwy 59 and PR 304 head east on 304 to Stead Rd (mile 44E). Turn north onto gravel road and go approximately 1 mile. turn east (right) onto sand road and take to the ride camp. From hwy 12 go north to the Sherwood Esso (community of Gull Lake), turn East onto Stead Rd (mile 95N) and follow around curve through the community of Stead. Go straight through stop sign at PR 304 onto gravel road and follow directions above. Signs will be posted. A reminder that this area is shared with ATV clubs and you may encounter them in camp or on the trails.
General notes:
All dogs must be kept on a leash, tied to your trailer, crated, or confined inside your trailer/truck while in Ride Camp and Crewing area. Please clean up after your pet.
Dogs are not permitted near the Vet Gate
No smoking on the trail, at Vet Gate or in Volunteer tent
Pulse criteria will be 64 bbm for the 50 mile and 60 bbm for the 25 mile and intro horses
Food will not be provided for volunteers, riders or Vets. Please ensure you have everything you need.