About us

An Introduction

The Distance Riders of Manitoba (DRM) Assoc. Inc. was formed in 1992 to promote the growing sport of endurance riding in Manitoba. DRM operates under the umbrella of the Manitoba Horse Council and the Endurance Canada, as well as sanctioning rides with, and following the rules of the American Endurance Ride Conferences.

Endurance Riding

It has been called the “natural sport for horses”, and is growing in popularity across the globe. Endurance riding is one of only seven recognized International Equestrian Federation (FEI) events and is anticipated as a future Olympic sport.

An endurance ride is an event in which the same horse and rider compete together over a marked trail, within a specific maximum allowed time. There is no minimum time requirement. The horses are examined by veterinarians before the ride, throughout the competition at regular intervals, and after the ride to assure their health and safety. For the Open Division the entry finishing in the shortest time is the winner. For the Novice Division the equine to pulse down to the set criteria is the winner.

Endurance riding is a sport which has many levels of appeal. For some, it is a highly competitive and challenging athletic endeavor. For others, it is a recreational activity combining a camping trip with an extended trail ride. For yet others, it provides an opportunity to discover our country as our forefathers did – from the back of a horse!

Endurance riding is particularly appealing to the person with an average pocketbook. You need not be wealthy to participate. An endurance rider is almost always the horse’s owner, trainer, and groom. Discipline, dedication, and a sense of adventure are the most important ingredients for success. Equines from all breeds and backgrounds are welcome and can become champions.