Distance Riders of Manitoba Meeting Minutes
June 1, 2022
Location: 28086 Park Rd and virtually over Zoom. Call to order: 6:56 pm
Board Members in Attendance
Darice Whyte – President Wendy Nagtegaal – Treasurer Christine Steendam – Secretary Carrie Wilson – Vice – president
Members in Attendance
Iris Oleksuk, Tricia Mason, Andy Dunlop
Approval of Minutes (Mar 15, 2022 Meeting)
The meeting minutes from the March 15, 2022 meeting were accepted and approved.
Motion by Iris Oleksuk to accept the minutes. Seconded by Wendy Nagtegaal. Motion carried.
President’s Report (Darice Whyte)
Darice Whyte welcomed everyone to the meeting. She stated that there wasn’t much to report and moved onto the next item.
Treasurer’s Report (Wendy Nagtegaal)
Bank balance: $9,767.09
Spruce woods -85.02 before sanctioning and ride fees.
There were 6 no-shows at the Spruce Woods ride which impacted the bottom-line of the event.
Apparel sales did well and we’re up + $123.96
The question came up of whether we should we orrder morre apparel. Tabled for a future discussion. Andy mentioned that the shirts seem to fit large.
Membership Report
7 families (9 juniors), 21 individuals, 41 total members.
MHC Report (Carrie Wilson)
No covid rep needed.
MB trails strategy – nothing new.
Fundraising Report (Andy Dunlop)
We would like to have a tack sale in the fall. Andy will talk to Trisha about using Superior.
Year-End Awards (Darice Whyte)
Andy has some picture frames left over from spruce to donate for more prizes.
Promotional Items (Shannon Lightfoot)
Shannon was not in attendance so discussion of promotional items and ordering more shirts was tabled for the next meeting.
We do have enough shirts to give out vets their choice and a couple extra t-shirts.
a) Website (Mark Harrison)
Nothing new to report.
b) Facebook (Christine Steendam) Nothing new to report.
By-law Review (Kelli Hayhurst)
Nothing new to report.
Open discussion
Spruce woods and treatment of volunteers.
An open discussion brought to light some of the treatment of volunteers and the stress that this puts on them. DRM takes a no tolerrance to bullynig stance. Discussion suggested that complaints should be submitted to the board and, if possible, along with possible solutions. Complaints and grievances should go to the board to deal with in an appropriate manner.
A facebook post will be made from the board based on the results of this discussion.
Ride Operations
a) Mileage Badges
Nothing new to report.
Ride Updates
a) Spruce Woods (Wendy N/Christine/Andy)
b) BHP (Darice/Tricia)
Tricia reported that she’s working on prizes. T-shirts for BC. Massage and flyboots. Beasejour vet may want to sponsor high vet score.
Darice stressed that we need to know numbers in advance so that we do not operate rides at a loss.
The 6 no-shows from Spruce Woods impacted the bottom line of the ride. However, we do not want to allow walk-ups again. Tricia pointed out that it’s easier for everyone to pre-register and scratch than to register the night before.
Kara needs to let the board know where our ride registrations are so that Darice can try to drum up numbers. Wendy will be the board member to receive these updates and report to the rest of the board.
The Volunteers are covered for the Birds Hill ride.
c) Belair (Shannon/Christine/Andy)
Permit in review. Christine is following up before the BHP ride.
d) Souris Bend (Myna/Dianne)
Permit and trail marking taken care of.
e) BHP (Darice/Wendy N)
Permit received.
Open Discussion on GPS and trail standards.
We invited “D” here as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to consult on utilizing GPS technology to set standards in place for our trail maps.
Where could such files live? It was discussed that they could be hosted on the website and available to our members. There should be a PDF or image of the map to go with the GPX documents so that there is a visual map. We would also need file naming conventions and certain details for each map: Has to have mileage, image of the map, GPX, date created.
It was discussed that we should have D do a workshop for the club on how to use the AllTrails app. A possible date of July 23rd came up. Or perhaps a fall activity.
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:34
Minutes by Christine Steendam, DRM Secretary Verified/edited by