March 15, 2022 – Meeting Minutes

Distance Riders of Manitoba Meeting Minutes March 15, 2022

Location: 28086 Park Rd and virtually over Zoom. Call to order: 6:40 pm

Board Members in Attendance

Darice Whyte – President
Wendy Nagtegaal – Treasurer Christine Steendam – Secretary Shannon Lightfoot – Member at Large

Members in Attendance

Iris Oleksuk, Terry McKee, Brenda Tolpa, Troi Anderson, Tricia Mason, Glenn Sinclair, Andy Dunlop, Kelli Hayhurst, Evelyn Allen

Approval of Minutes (Jan 11, 2022 Meeting)

The meeting minutes from the January 11, 2022 meeting were accepted and approved. Motion by Wendy Nagtegaal to accept the minutes. Seconded by Iris Oleksuk. Motion carried.

President’s Report (Darice Whyte)

Darice Whyte welcomed everyone to the meeting. She stated that there wasn’t much to report at this point, but things for the season looked positive. It was exciting to see so many people in the room for the meeting, and new people interested in the sport.

Treasurer’s Report (Wendy Nagtegaal)

Signing authority on the DRM bank account was transferred from Kelli Hayhurst to Wendy Nagtegaal on March 15, 2022. No other updates.

Membership Report

Wendy Nagtegaal reported that current membership stands at 3 families, 10 individuals, and 3 students. This remains the same as the membership numbers from the January 11, 2022 meeting.

Tricia Mason suggested sending an email to past members to see if they want to renew their membership. Wendy N agreed with this suggestion and will reconcile the active members and email list so that we can reach out to lapsed members.

MHC Report (Carrie Wilson)

Carrie Wilson sent her regrets and was unable to attend the meeting. The MHC report was tabled until the next meeting.

Fundraising Report (Andy Dunlop)

Andy is hopeful that with things opening up we can talk to Superior Equestrian about doing a tack sale in their facility. At this time we need to wait for parking (spring melt) and with the covid restrictions only just lifting, we want to be sure they stay that way before planning an event.

Andy suggested we ask members to do a bake sale as another fundraising opportunity. It could be run on Facebook and have people pick up or possibly in person at one of the Birds Hill Park rides. However, there would be logistics to figure out with either of these options.

Darice Whyte suggested that the bake sale at a tack sale would probably make the most sense.

Year-End Awards (Darice Whyte)

Nothing new to report.

Promotional Items (Shannon Lightfoot)

Nothing new to report. Carrie Wilson needs to create an order form.

a) Website (Mark Harris)

Mark requested ride info be emailed to him to post on the website

b) Facebook (Christine Steendam)
All rides have events created for them and just need to be populated with details when they become available.

By-law Review (Kelli Hayhurst)

There is nothing new in review and it will likely remain that way until the AGM.

Open group discussion on goals for the season.

Ride Operations
a) Mileage Badges

Darice Whyte reported that we’re looking for someone to make new mileage badges because the prices have gone up with our previous supplier.

Ride Updates

  1. a)  Spruce Woods (Wendy N/Christine/Andy)

    Andy is RM and Wendy N and Christine are trail markers. Andy has submitted the permit and is awaiting approval.

  2. b)  BHP (Darice/Tricia)

    Tricia is RM and Darice is the trail marker. Darice has applied for permits and is awaiting approval.

c) Belair (Shannon/Christine/Andy)

Christine is RM, Andy is DM, and Shannon is the trail marker. Christine and Shannon have touched base and Christine now has the trail maps. Permit to be applied for in the following week.

  1. d)  Souris Bend (Myna/Dianne)

    Dianne is RM and Myna is trail marker. Darice reported on behalf of Dianne that the permit has been submitted and is awaiting approval.

  2. e)  BHP (Darice/Wendy N)

    Wendy N is RM and Darice is trail marker. Darice has submitted the permit application and is awaiting approval.

    Kelli Hayhurst made an additional note that at the BHP rides we are utilizing the folk fest grounds for ride camp and ALL manure MUST be packed out and cannot be thrown into the bush or spread. We do not want to lose the privilege to use this site.

    It was also suggested that we have a manure fork for the equipment trailer.

Meeting Adjournment

Motion to adjourn was made by Iris Oleksuk, seconded by Troi Anderson. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Minutes by Christine Steendam, DRM Secretary Verified/edited by