January 11, 2022 – Meeting Minutes

Distance Riders of Manitoba Meeting Minutes January 11, 2022


Angela Roberts, Evelyn Allen, Iris Oleksuk, Kelli Hayhurst

Approval of Minutes (DRM AGM November 6, 2021)

The meeting minutes from the AGM, November 6, 2021, were accepted and approved. Motion by Evelyn to accept the minutes. Seconded by Kelli. Motion carried.

President’s Report (Darice Whyte)

Darice Whyte welcomed everyone to the meeting. She stated that there wasn’t much to report at this point.

Treasurer’s Report (Kelli Hayhurst/Wendy Nagtegaal)

Wendy Nagtegaal is in the process of taking over the role of Treasurer from Kelli Hayhurst. She still needs to be added to the club bank account, but that should be rectified by the next meeting.

The only upcoming bills to consider are the companies office registrations as well as the domain and website hosting fees.

Membership Report

Wendy Nagtegaal reported that current membership stands at 3 families, 10 individuals, and 3 students.

MHC Report (Carrie Wilson)

  1. a)  Covid Rep

    There are no new updates to report regarding requirements for Covid.

  2. b)  MB Trails Strategy update Nothing new to report.

  3. c)  Coggins Clinic

Regarding the EIA Testing/Coggins clinic that was discussed at the AGM, Kari H and Tammy with MTRC volunteered to take the lead on that project and approach MHC about using their grounds at Birds Hill Park. Carrie suggested we should allow MTRC to take the lead and DRM support their clinic.

DRM’s current Coggins policy is as follows: A valid negative EIA test (6 months from the blood sample draw date) is required for the rides that occur prior to August 15th (or the end of the tabanid season) and for any rides after that, EIA testing is not required.

Fundraising Report (Andy Dunlop)

Andy was not present at the meeting so the report was tabled for the next meeting.

Year-End Awards (Darice Whyte)

Darice has purchased three blankets so far for year-end awards and the remaining awards needed will be decided upon and purchased at a later date.

Promotional Items (Shannon Lightfoot)

The promotional items are ready to order and Shannon has samples. Carrie Wilson will coordinate with Shannon to create the order forms.





Google Account

Kelli has been managing the Google account and can continue to do so.

Email List (Darice Whyte)

Darice will continue to keep up-to-date and coordinate with Wendy N to ensure she has the most recent membership list.

Website (Mark Harrison)

Mark will continue to maintain and update the website.

d) Facebook
Christine will be creating Facebook events for the 2022 rides. Kelli added Christine and Wendy Nagtegaal as administrators on the DRM Facebook page.

By-law Review

There is a suggested change in the google docs regarding bank e-transfer payments.

Carrie reported that the board has discussed introducing another class of membership that would allow the board members to receive a complimentary membership in their year(s) of service. While the board is in agreement with this idea, it needs to go through the proper channels and have the opportunity to be voted on by the general membership.

Carrie motioned that we introduce a fourth class of membership to allow for complimentary memberships for the board members in the year(s) they serve. This motion is to be voted on by the membership at the next AGM.

Kelli seconded. Motion carries.

The three existing classes of membership are: 1. Individual

2. Family 3. Student

Policy Statements

No changes or updates at this time.

Rule Book

No changes or rules are under review at this time. It was decided at the AGM how ties were to be handled and the updates to the rule book were accepted. In 2021 we also had the first case of a tie for a year-end award in the Limited Distance division with Iris and Christine tying for champion. In this case, the tie was allowed and there was no reserve champion. Christine and Iris both expressed they were pleased with how the tie was handled. This seems to be a rare occurrence and this was the first time the club had to deal with that. Should a tie for champion occur again, the tie will be allowed and there will be no reserve. Should there be a tie for reserve champion, there will be two reserve champions named and an additional award will be presented.

Meeting Schedule

The next meeting will take place the week of February 19th. Either the 23rd or 24th of February. The meeting will hopefully be held in person. Come prepared to share your goals for the year.

Ride Operations

  1. a)  Volunteer Checklists – Ride Manager/Day Manager, Trail Marker

    We have volunteers in place for RM/DM and trail makers for all our rides in 2022!

  2. b)  Ride fees – increase of $10 for seniors

    At the AGM it was decided that senior ride fees would increase by $10 for each division for 2022. Darice expressed concern that raising the 25-mile division to $75 seemed a little high.

    Kelli motioned that we increase the 25-mile division by $5 while the 50-,75-, and 100-mile divisions increase by $10. Seconded by Shannon. Motion carried.

    2022 ride fees will be as follows: 25 miles – $70
    50 Miles – $90
    75/100 miles – $120

    Elevator loop – Free for 2022

c) Sanctioning

Carrie will be submitting the 2022 rides to AERC for sanctioning. She needs permits from each of the rides before submitting for sanctioning.

  1. d)  Placement Ribbons

    These are currently in the equipment trailer. Inventory of placement ribbons will need to be taken in the spring. Darice contacted Barb Glover about mileage badges. At the time of the meeting, she had yet to receive a response but will reach out again for a quote

  2. e)  Equipment Trailer and Joint Inventory

    The trailer is currently parked for the season at Kelli’s. Inventory will need to be done in the spring.

  3. f)  Registration

    Kara has volunteered to help Carrie with the registration process. Carrie is planning a training session with Kara. Kelli also volunteered to learn the process as a backup.

  4. g)  Covid-19 Policy

    No changes are needed to our current Covid-19 Policy at the moment.

Ride Updates

  1. a)  Spruce Woods (Wendy N/Christine/Andy)

    Andy is RM and Wendy N and Christine are trail markers. Wendy N and Christine will touch base with Andy regarding trails and acquiring the permit.

  2. b)  BHP (Darice/Tricia)

    Tricia is RM and Darice is the trail marker. Darice has applied for permits.

  3. c)  Belair (Shannon/Christine/Andy)

    Christine is RM, Andy is DM, and Shannon is the trail marker. Christine will touch base with Kari Hasselriis about the process for successfully getting a permit for Belair. Christine and Shannon will touch base regarding trail plans.

  4. d)  Souris Bend (Myna/Dianne)

    Dianne is RM and Myna is trail marker. Darice reported on behalf of Dianne that Dianne and Myna are working together on acquiring the permit for the Souris Bend ride.

  5. e)  BHP (Darice/Wendy N)

    Wendy N is RM and Darice is trail marker. Darice has submitted the permit application and is awaiting a response.

Meeting Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.

Minutes by Christine Steendam, DRM Secretary Verified/edited by