Belair Trail Conditions and Other Useful Info
The trails at Belair probably would not be considered barefoot friendly for the most part. The trails are heavily used by quad riders, and it does show. Trails can be a variety of surfaces from a nice grass path to deep sand to rock. Some of the trails do have exposed tree roots so the rider must pay attention to these and ride their horse accordingly.
If your horse has sensitive hooves shoes, hoof armor or boots might be appropriate. As every horse is different, we cannot tell you what is right for your horse. Riders need to know their horse and decide based on their knowledge.
Belair has minimal horse facilities. There are some pens (first come basis) east of where the vet area is and an outhouse tucked into the woods. Camping is primitive with no electricity, water etc. Water is provided on the trail however; you must bring your own sponging water and any water you need for an extended /overnight(s) stay.
The trails are beautiful, but they are more technical. The riders need to ride according to the conditions and abilities of their horses.