Birds Hill Park Trail Conditions and Other Useful Info
The trails at BHP are limited for our availability. We can only use the trails approved by the park which means not much choice. As there are a lot of other users (EG walkers, bicyclists) at the park trails have designated usages.
The trail at BHP is the most barefoot friendly of the trails used for competitions. The loops consist mostly of grass trails with minimal stones, sand or gravel. There is nothing overly challenging like hills or deep sand. On the 10 mile loop heading back to camp you do pass by a group use camping area for about 1/2 mile. This spot can be empty or it can be full. Just use caution while riding by.
No facilities are available. You must bring your own horse containment, power, sleeping arrangements etc. There is usually a port a potty provided but there are also various ones on trail. One is on the Esker Trail and another one is on the Lime Kiln. Water is available in camp and there is a tap however it is usually turned off by the fall.
This is the easiest course to try for your first 50 mile ride.