Spruce Woods Trail Conditions and Other Useful Info
The trails at Spruce Woods are barefoot friendly for the most part. The loops consist mostly of grass trails, however there can be deep sand on portions of the trail. Depending on the trail marker’s choice you may be riding thru the small or big dunes. And they are aptly named. There is lots of sand on these trails and you will need to ride to conditions. There are some big climbs and descents on the dunes. Depending on the route that is used you may be taken along a gravel road for a mile or so. Generally footing is decent on the side of the road but if your horse does not like gravel you may want to consider using boots.
Spruce does have some hills and the trail does have some “roller coaster” sections. Be prepared to trot downhill.
Spruce has great horse facilities. There are pens (first come basis), water, toilets, showers, camping spaces with some including electrical hookups.
There is an outhouse at the cabin which is about 2 miles from camp and one at the Hog’s Back.