Well somehow it seems I am the new President of our club. In my retirement I didn’t foresee doing this but my crystal ball didn’t tell me I would be writing articles for Arabian Horse World either so I’ve lost faith in it just like the weather report.
Who is Darice Whyte and why do we have to listen to her? Well you don’t really have to listen to me as often I haven’t a clue what I’m talking about anyway.
Who am I? Well I’m an endurance rider and I’m extremely proud of it! I’ve never been described as an athlete but I do know I can ride 100 miles in under 24 hours!
I got a late start to the party as life got in the way so horses were not an option. I was finally able to get a horse again and in 2011 I started riding some of the endurance and competitive trail rides. Just like that I was hooked! I went from riding 25 miles to 50 miles my first year. Did I make mistakes? Oh yes I sure did! I talked to people who had way, way more miles than I’ll ever be able to achieve to get me back on the right track. Luckily for me Tia is one hardy little pony and unfortunately my guinea pig!
I started with one horse but where’s the fun in just one? I now have 3 Arabs plus an Anglo Arab. While Tia is my go to horse I do have big aspirations for my Anglo, Serenade. Time will tell if Serenade is on the same page as me!
Endurance riding can take you to so many places you never thought you’d get to see. For me that place was California for The Tevis Cup in 2016. The whole trip was an adventure of a lifetime and one I will milk for all it’s worth especially when I hit the nursing home wearing my completion buckle!
There are few equine sports where you spend so much time with your horse. You quickly learn if your tack fits your horse, what is comfortable to ride in and suddenly you’re salivating over all those crazy tack colours!
While Arabians are suited to the sport they are not the only breed participating in the sport. ANY fit Horse is suitable for endurance. We have quite a number of breeds in our club that regularly do well! One of our 15 mile distances will help you determine your horse’s fitness level and you can build from there.
The sport isn’t about racing the legs off your horse. I look at endurance like golf in that I am always trying to better my previous outing. This isn’t just about my speed but maybe increasing my distance, how I manage my horse, my use of my holds, how I manage myself etc. Remember the endurance motto is: To Finish is To Win!
While there will be many things I want to accomplish as president I hope to help create an atmosphere of fun and a welcoming environment for all! To me this should be fun or why do it?
Why should you come ride with us?
  • A really thorough vet check on your horse for a minimal cost.
  • A great group that is a lot of fun.
  • A fabulous way to see trails in other locales that maybe you wouldn’t try as you don’t know where to ride.
  • Mentors that will assist you if you need help.
  • The coloured tack! Need I say more 😛

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